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About Us

we sai entertainment pvt. ltd. has been & is still going & setting up leadership in the field of home entertainment industry focusing on promoting sepl catalogue of movies, music, television programmes for home video, iptv, vod, mobile, satellite and terrestrial tv , for the last two decades sai entertainment pvt.ltd. has been at the forefront of the indian entertainment industry.

Being in this business we have gained extensive knowledge & insights about the working of the market especially sales & the distribution functions on an all INDIA level. With an eye for detail & belief for quality, we are a group of positive and young entrepreneurs who believe in doing our part with total commitment, that probably is our greatest advantage.

SAI ENTERTAINMENT PVT. LTD. has been getting into fields of home entertainment with defined business strategy in terms of content, delivery, marketing & distribution. SAI ENTERTAINMENT PVT. LTD.’S ability to continuously refine & redefine its business strategies to match changing business environment, with focus on top and bottom lines, makes sai entertainment pvt.ltd. distinct from others in the entertainment business, down the track sepl started  acquiring home video,audio,  satellite/cable and other distribution rights for hindi/marathi/english films for exhibition on various networks and other digital platforms.

Being in the business of distribution our distribution system consists of both indirect and direct systems, while we service exclusive retail outlets directly. We also have a huge showroom with display of audio, video cd’s, and DVDs.




To create, enhance and distribute 'content' seamlessly across platforms available through present and future technologies, across media vehicles, across the globe and giving such content its distinct shape, form and brand identity through the various windows of its lifecycle, with a view to build maximum interactivity and salience with the end consumer." Given our marketing and distribution strengths, we look forward to bringing unique entertainment genres across various platforms that audiences will love to consume. We promise to continue providing wholesome entertainment and quality content to film lovers all over the world.

With the current affiliations likewise music co and video co’s we are a force that will strike the supremacy in the highly competitive entertainment industry.



The company has recorded 100 % growth every year since its inception. We have a catalogue of more than 10000 titles including several mega hits films for distribution across the globe,and 250 titles under our brand name “SEPL” Being associated with the best in the industry SAI ENTERTAINMENT PVT. LTD. Understands the infinite nature of entertainment and being at its helm right now believes that the best is yet to come.

Sai Entertainment pvt. Ltd.
46/48, Walker House,Tribhuvan Road,
Opp. Lamington Road,
Grant Road Mumbai – 04
Phone : +91 22 40830000

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- English - Marathi
- Hindi - Tamil
- English - Marathi
- Hindi - Tamil
- Hindi - Marathi
- Action - Drama
- Adult - Horror
- Adventure - LOVE
- Commedy - Social
- Devotional
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